Friday, April 21, 2017


Some of you know me via discussion boards.   Politics, Religion, Random Randomness -

In 2008 -  Sarah Palin happened.   I woke up the night of the repeat on NPR to hear her blathering   her RNC speech.   Every bit of me, right down to my atoms went into a "OMG!  who IS this person???!!! "     I rolled out of bed, trumbled down the stairs, and as soon as I could I Googled, "Sarah Palin"

Since that day, I have been connected to so many of you.  And for that, I am forever thankful.  I woke up and learned that we can have discussions.  We have discourse.  We have voting booths.  We have the ability to make statements, to make a difference, to sit with others and we can share our views.   Sometimes, those discussions are heated.   But sometimes, it's interesting - and we learn - and we listen.  And then perhaps, heated again.

But I've learned to respect the ideas, the responses, the beliefs of others.  I love this about our coming together.

As many of you know, my time here on and with this planet and plane is limited.  I am so grateful for what I have with you all.  You have opened me.  I have learned so much.

And .... from that point - here I go: 

Beginning tomorrow I will start sharing info and links that speak to me.   I was planning to get it underway a few weeks ago , but ....meh.  Life had other plans.

First link: 

Click on "Experiences".  

Noetic Science :


  1. Don't you wish we could have all those RWNJ's get into noethic

  2. Or get them into an open-minded discussion about anything. I jokingly say that I love a really good "back n' forth" chat, especially the ones that teach me a lesson and I learn that I was wrong , or ignorant, or stubborn in my thinking/beliefs. I like being taken down a notch if it brings me to a better understanding of anything. I could never understand (and this goes back to when I was still a single digit age), why adults would not answer my questions about God, existence, life, voting, or anything that came up in my little head. My kids were encouraged to ask about anything and everything. (their teachers were not all that thrilled and I'm not entirely sure the kids were either) But now, they are interesting adults who are funny, artistic and weird. My work here is complete.
